A Christian learns how to encourage and support leadership.

I. What is a leader?
A. If we as women are to be suitable helpers, we need to understand leadership.
B. Oxford Dictionary’s definition #1: “the person who leads, commands or precedes a group, organization, or country.”
C. Hebrew: nagiyd (naw-gheed) or nagid {naw-gheed'}; from 5046; a commander (as occupying the front), civil, military or religious; generally (abstractly, plural), honorable themes:--captain, chief, excellent thing, (chief) governor, leader, noble, prince, (chief) ruler.

II. Who has the right to choose who will be leaders?
A. Gen.1:27,28 Leadership is created by God, given dominion (rule over).
B. Psa 139:14 We are created by God, fearfully and wonderfully made. We are to recognize God’s power and give God the reverence and honour due Him.
C. The creator has the right to command how the created should work. God gave leadership to man. This is God’s choice. Woman was made FOR the man, as a suitable helper. This is God’s choice also. They are God-given roles. These roles do not change from situation to situation.
D. From the time of Eve, both men and women have fought against these roles. Today is no different. We, as men and women, are STILL fighting, but the roles have NOT changed in God’s eyes.

III. What areas of life require a leader?
A. Home – husband, father (the mother’s authority under the umbrella of the husband)
B. Church – men, elders.
1. There is no command, example or inference that women were ever given leadership in the church.
2. Ladies, be on guard!
C. Society – men as leaders in government, work situations outside our homes.
D. Think about these facts in considering the role of leadership in ALL areas of life:
1. God made man first (Gen.2)
2. Woman created from the man
3. Woman created for man
4. God addressed Adam when Adam and Eve sinned (Gen.3)
5. Paul reviewed the roles in 1 Cor.11:3-9 and 1 Tim.2:12-13
6. These roles were NOT established as punishment.
7. A question: What happens to roles when a woman is a manager over men? What happens when everyone goes home?
E. In all three areas, good or bad, leadership will impact generations to come.

IV. What is a leader responsible for?
A. Notice what is said of the ultimate leader: Isa 40:10 Behold, the Lord GOD shall come with a strong hand, And His arm shall rule for Him; Behold, His reward is with Him, And His work before Him. 11 He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, And carry them in His bosom, And gently lead those who are with young.
B. God fulfills the meaning of leadership – meekness: strength under control.
C. What do we ask and expect of God’s leadership?
1. Psa.26:2; 139:23 – We want God to know all about us.
2. Psa.5:8 – We want God to lead us in righteousness, to make the path straight.
3. Psa.25:5 – We want God to teach us.
4. Psa.61:2 – We want God to lead us to the rock that is higher than ourselves.
5. Psa.139:10 – We want God to hold us safe.
6. Prov.3:11; Heb.12:6 – God, as our leader, also has the right to discipline us.

D. A leader approved by God should do no less.
1. He should know whom he leads (husbands, 1 Pet.3:7).
2. He should lead with a righteousness life.
3. He should lead us on the straight path.
4. He should lead by teaching.
5. He should lead by encouraging a higher level in goals.
6. He should support the weak.
7. He should discipline in love (fathers, Deut.8:5)

V. What “tools” does the man have to work with?
A. Men have a different makeup than women. They reason more logically, and are able to totally focus on a problem/goal. They are also physically stronger. (These strengths are generally true.)
B. God gives them confidence in their right to lead.
C. God gave men suitable helpers (Gen.2:18); followers who are to encourage and support the leaders.
1. They too have qualities that support their role: nurturing, relationship oriented, “6th sense” (awareness), etc.
2. A suitable helper is one who understands what God expects of men and can therefore effectively support their leadership.

VI. What does support mean?
A. Oxford Dictionary’s definition #2: “to give assistance, encouragement or approval to, therefore to be actively interested in.”
B. How does the apostle Peter describe what GOD expects in a suitable helper? 1Pe 3:4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.
C. Consider these words which describe different ways we support and encourage our menfolk:
1. We will accept our God-given role of “suitable helper.”
2. We will honour, love and respect our men as leaders. Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord” (1 Pet.3:6).
3. We are their backup. When decisions are made our men KNOW we are there for them when they need to delegate responsibilities.
4. We will follow through whatever task we are assigned.
5. We will give aid. This involves our physical efforts, our wisdom, our love, our respect.
a. What if we disagree with a decision??
(1) This situation does not give the helper the right to take control.
(2) Make suggestions. Don’t “tell” the leader what may be a wiser way to go.
(3) When time allows, let the decision “ride” until the man begins to think more clearly and take ownership.
6. We will make sure our help is ongoing and sustained, even when the going gets rough.
7. We will recognize our role is a subordinate role. Voluntary submission will be necessary. (That word obey. . .)
8. We will defend the man’s right to lead. We will not allow others to tear down his efforts to lead.

D. We will realize and accept that men must learn how to lead. We will rejoice in our men’s efforts as they learn how to lead. (God-given roles are a lifetime effort of fine-tuning and adjusting, and commitment for both men and women.)

E. We will endure, whether the leadership is wise or foolish. We will not automatically replace our role of helper with a leadership role. Even a poor leader, even a wicked leader will benefit from the wisdom of a woman who remains within her role. Read the story of Abigail concerning her wicked husband (1 Sam.25). She saved her husband’s life, and those of her household, yet her attitude continued in the role of a suitable helper.

Let us stop making excuses for how we think and act concerning leadership and submission. We do not have the right to fight righteous choices by the God of heaven. May we fall on our knees, repenting of resistance and outright disobedience toward our fathers, husbands, the leadership of men in congregations, and the men who lead our country.

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